Interpretation: animation division of film and television work with "income" criterion as the basis. 解读:动漫影视作品的划分以“收入”准则为依据。
A major unsettled issue is the short-run division of a change in nominal income between output and price. 一个未解决的重要问题是,受到产出和价格影响的名义收入在短期内如何变化。
Discussion the Reason and Countermeasure of Our Country Resident Division of Income Disparity 中国居民收入分配差距的原因及对策探讨
The amount after deducting each cost and cost in order to regards the plan division of enterprise income tax as the basis. 扣除了各项成本和费用以后的金额作为企业所得税的计科依据。
From the long-term trend of development, the functionality division of income will incline more to work factors. 从长期的发展趋势看,功能性收入分配比重会愈加向劳动要素倾斜,人力资本投资的公平分配,会使人与人之间的收入分配趋于公平,即教育有助于改善收入分配。
If such division isn't accurate, the equity and the justice of department benefit distribution and the rationality of income accounting will be influenced. 它直接影响科室效益分配的公平、公正,以及收入核算的合理性。
The Positive and Negative Influences about Marketability to the Division of Income Fair 论市场化对收入分配公平的双重影响
From many respectives including social division of labor, the specialty of the human capital and the mass work of the human capital, the dissertation gives an analysis of the general function system of the involvement of human capital in the distribution of the enterprise income. 从社会分工、人力资本的专用性、人力资本的群体性等方面分析了人力资本参与企业收入分配的一般作用机制。
Further regulate the division rule of income; 进一步规范收入分配秩序;
With the deepening of international division of labor, every country gets involved in income distribution on the base of factor division rather than product division. Therefore, the distribution mechanism of trade income and investment income becomes more complicated. 随着国际分工的深化,各国参与利益分配的基础由产品分工发展成为要素分工,国际贸易和国际投资利益分配机制复杂化了。
Furthermore, they proposed that education and human capital investment can not only promote economic growth but also can gradually improve the problem of unequal division of income. 进一步地,他们提出了教育或人力资本投资不仅对经济增长具有促进作用,而且对收入分配不平等也会有逐渐改善作用。
Regional division can increase labor or resource productivity, increase the number of products, improve farm products quality and bring income from the production scale or trade of farm products, promote technology progress. So that, it is the origin of the internal economic growth. 分工可以提高劳动生产率、资源产出率,增加产品的种类,提高产品的质量,也可以带来规模效益和贸易收益,促进技术进步,从而成为经济内生增长的不竭之源。
The integration of international trade and investment may increase the total profit of all countries, and blur the division of trade income and investment income as well. 国际贸易和国际投资的交叉渗透使得各国在总体利益扩大的同时,模糊了贸易利益和投资利益的界限。
However, in some kind of significance, these methods can only adjust the division of income pattern after problems have happened, but cannot enhance the opportunity and ability of the low income social stratum to participate in the competition from the source. 然而,某种意义上,这几种手段只是对收入分配格局的事后调节,并不能从源头或根本上提高低收入阶层参与竞争的机会和能力。
The economic factors which impact the industrial structure are lot, including the basic social division of labor, increased productivity of income levels, international trade, and other combined factors which effect of five. 影响产业结构的经济因素有很多,主要包括社会分工、生产力的提高、收入水平的提升、国际贸易、以及其它各种综合影响因素等五个方面。
But, many countries in the world are changing the attention disbursement governance gradually from the attention division of income the assignment, disbursed the governance the division and the standard already became one kind of current. 但是,世界上许多国家正逐步从关注收入分配转向关注支出事权的分配,支出事权的划分及其规范已经成为一种潮流。
Based on the existing division of medium income group method, puts forward a new method, the partitioning method based on median and income distribution curve. 在总结国内外现有划分方法的基础上,提出了一种新的方法&基于收入分布曲线的中位数划分法。
With the reform about the Ownership of production tools, the reform about division of income system should develop. 在我国,随着生产资料所有制的改革,收入分配制度也要随之创新和发展。
For farmers, the subjects of collective forest right system reform, property division to the household does more good to motivate economic activities of property subjects and improve the farmers 'income. 林区农户作为集体林权制度改革的主体,分到户的产权改革方式,有效激发了产权主体的积极经济活动行为,更能提高农户的经济收益。
On this basis, will be a cluster within each of the provinces close to the division of real per capita GDP in a sample or group, is further divided into high-income, middle income and low-income group. 在此基础上将每一个集群内各省份的人均实际GDP相近的划分在一个样本或群体中,又进一步分为高收入、中收入和低收入组。
In property division of divorce when related to the income of intellectual property rights, we must fully consider the special nature of intellectual property rights, and make a reasonable and lawful disposal. 在离婚财产分割涉及到知识产权的收益时,要充分考虑到知识产权的特殊性,作出合理合法的处置。
The division of income disparity is the fundamental research hot spot, is also a very realistic economic thesis. This article has first analyzed our country income differential present situation, thought that our country income differential is expanding unceasingly. 收入分配差距问题是理论界研究的热点,同时也是一个十分现实的经济学论题。
The division of corporate income tax has universally significant negative effects in all the regions. 在共享税中,企业所得税的分权普遍具有显著的负效应。
200 for many years, the income tax in the collection financial funds, the adjustment division of income, the regulative economic aspect has played the prominent role, is occupying the extremely important status in the modern tax system. 200多年来,所得税在筹集财政资金、调节收入分配、调控经济方面发挥了突出作用,在现代税制体系中占据着极其重要的地位。
The main innovations include the division of consumer policy, as well as the proposal to establish income and consumption linkage policy evaluation mechanism. 主要的创新之处包括对消费政策的划分,以及提议建立起收入与消费联动的政策评估机制。
The author also summarizes the rule of crime change. The fourth chapter: Correlation analysis of economic growth, division of income and crime. 对建国以来犯罪总量和各类犯罪的变化情况作了回顾并总结了犯罪变化的规律。第四章经济增长、收入分配与犯罪相关性分析。
This system to enhanced the country tax revenue, the adjustment division of income has played the huge role. 这一制度对提高国家税收收入,调节收入分配发挥了巨大的作用。